Advanced Lines oil services
Client Overview
ِAdvanced Lines is a company that specializes in providing equipment and tools to companies in the oil and gas industry. With a growing customer base and increasing demand for their services, the company recognized the need to upgrade and redesign its website to improve user experience and streamline the rental process.
The client's primary goal was to create a more user-friendly website to make it easier for customers to find the needed equipment and complete the request process online. They also wanted to modernize the look and feel of their website to reflect their commitment to innovation and technology.
The website redesign and upgrade project began with a comprehensive analysis of the existing website. The development team identified several key areas that needed improvement, including
User experience:
The existing website had a cluttered layout and was challenging to navigate. The development team proposed a new, streamlined structure with straightforward navigation and intuitive design.
Rental process:
The rental process was cumbersome and required customers to submit multiple forms. The development team proposed an online rental system allowing customers to easily select the equipment they need, choose the rental period, and complete the rental process online.
Mobile responsiveness:
The existing website needed to be optimized for mobile devices, which made it difficult for customers to use the site on their phones or tablets. The development team proposed a responsive design that would adjust the layout and content of the website to fit any screen size.
The existing website needed to reflect the client's brand identity. The development team proposed a modern, visually appealing design representing the company's commitment to innovation and technology.
The development team began by creating a new design for the website, incorporating the client's brand colors and imagery. The new design was modern and streamlined, with straightforward navigation and an intuitive layout.
Next, the team developed an online rental system allowing customers to select the equipment they needed easily, choose the rental period, and complete the rental process online. The rental procedure was integrated with the client's inventory management system, making it easy for customers to see what equipment was available and when.
The team also optimized the website for mobile devices, ensuring that the site was responsive and easy to use on any screen size.
The new website launched successfully, and the client saw immediate results. The unique design and streamlined rental process increased website traffic, with more customers staying on the site longer and completing the rental process.
The online rental system was particularly successful, with many customers commenting on how easy it was and how much time it saved them. The responsive design also increased mobile traffic, with customers using the site on their phones and tablets more frequently.
Overall, the website redesign and upgrade project succeeded, and the client was pleased with the results. The new design and rental process made it easier for customers to find the needed equipment and complete the rental process online, leading to increased client business.