SEO Professional Strategy

A professional SEO strategy can help your business generate more leads and get found by potential customers. But search engines are constantly upgrading and changing their criteria for good rankings. So what can you do to help your business get found?

By the following simple tools you can start your SEO strategy :

1. Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager helps make tag management simple, easy, and reliable by allowing marketers and webmasters to deploy website tags all in one place.

2. Google Webmaster Tools “ Search Console”

Google Search Console is a no-charge web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize the visibility of their websites.

3. Google Analytics

Digital analytics lets you analyze data across ads, videos, social tools, websites, tablets, smartphones, and more to get a complete view of customers.

4. Meta Tags

  • Appropriate addresses for page links “URLS”.
  • Optimize the main title of the website “Main Title”.
  • Optimize the description of the website “Main Description”.

SEO steps5. Key Words

  • Optimizing semantic keywords around trends. A great strategy to keep in front of the public and at the top of search engines is to optimize your semantic keywords around a trending topic. In other words, you have to keep your eyes on high-volume topics.
  • Keyword stuffing is the practice of inserting a large number of keywords into Web content and meta tags in an attempt to artificially increase a page’s ranking in search results and drive more traffic to the site. 

6. Landing Pages

SEO landing pages are optimized for the search engines — with features that make them particularly appealing to the algorithms that decide whether or not a page is valuable to searchers. Because most marketing campaigns are relatively short, people assume it’s not necessary to optimize landing pages. But we know exactly the importance of these pages to improve our website and direct the audience to the right decision.

7. Thanks Pages

After directing the public to the appropriate decision, it must be directed to the page of thanks, which includes a thank you letter to choose the service or request and purchase the product / or even registration of his data as a customer.

More importantly, this is to attract the customer to request other services related to the product that has already been requested, as a result, our sales increased in a short period.

8. Page SEO for successful SEO strategy

* On-Page SEO

On-page SEO consists of all the elements of SEO you can control best. If you own a website, you can control the technical issues and the quality of your content. We believe on-page issues should all be tackled as they’re in your own hands. If you create an awesome website, it will definitely start ranking. 

  • Optimize Text Content For Main Pages.
  • Optimize Page Structure.
  • Headings 
  • Unique Value Content related to company business.
  • Unique Paragraphs related to company business.
  • Alt Tags “ Related Photos with title and description for each photo”

* Off-Page Optimization

Local SEO is essential if your business is locally oriented. For local businesses, part of the off-page SEO is really in-person SEO. For instance, Word-of-mouth marketing plays a big role in getting people to your business. Moreover, happy customers can leave reviews online that Google – and potentially other customers – can use to see how well you are doing.

  • Social Signals.
  • Back Links.
  • Search Engine Submission.

In conclusion, there are various tools and techniques to help you succeed in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). To enhance your business’s presence in search engines, it’s essential to leverage these resources effectively.

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