10 Revolutionary Digital Marketing Trends You Need To Know

A main part of every business has always been marketing for it, and this has been the case since forever! Business owners have always sought to make consumers understand their brands, and accordingly buy what they need from these brands. So, this made it crucial for any business to keep up to date with the latest and emerging trends in marketing strategies and digital marketing in order to to satisfy its customers. And as Seth Godin, the American marketing author, said:

Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers

As 2017 is coming to an end, we will revisit 10 of the most interesting trends in the digital marketing era. Also, review how things have changed and will continue changing and existing in 2018.

  • Interactive Content:

Digital marketers don’t link their growth or success to the number of likes or shares on social media any more, things are getting bigger! Now marketers resort to interactive content. This is to ensure not only the customers’ engagement, but also ensure that they will take an action. Clear examples of interactive content marketing are 360° videos and photos, and fun interactive Ads that involves games and memes.

  • Going Live:

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and many other applications have all gone live. So, many marketers have used this as a marketing advantage. Live videos are perfect for engaging audience as well as announcing latest news of any business.

  • Chatbots:

Artificial intelligence evolves by the hour. Developers came up with Chatbots that simulate human conversation for many purposes most important of which is customer service. This trend is highly predicted to continue existing and developing in 2018.

  • Combining Platforms:

Instead of establishing a platform from scratch, a great way to add to your success is to buy an already-successful platform! This happened when the Facebook organization bought WhatsApp. It was a 19$ billion deal, but it was worth every cent. Also Amazon buying Souq was a shocking news in middle east that made Amazon an even bigger e-commerce firm in the whole world.

  • Social Media As a News Source:

Due to the widespread of social media in the world, SM is now considered as the third news source at 28% after television and newspaper. Marketers can benefit from this by publishing any information on SM rather than paying huge amount of money to TV or printed advertising.

  • Video for Marketing:

Biggest brands in the world are now using Videos as marketing technique in live or infographic form. The advertising videos attract more audience than text content. They can convey messages much more easier than any other written means. This impressive trend will continue for several years to come, put it into your consideration!

  • Blogs:

Although it started several years ago, blogs continue to be a main trend in marketing. It is 63% more likely to influence buying decisions than regular magazines.

  • Mobile Marketing:

This can be accomplished through Mobile App & advertising through mobile responsive web designs. Marketers continue to focus on this feature since it is vital for customers who own smartphones and want services as easy and quickly as possible.

  • Paid Search Marketing:

A great and profitable trend is Google AdWords and its feature Pay Per Click (PPC). It speeds the advertising and the whole marketing process.

  • Analytical Social Media:

It is not Likes & Shares anymore, marketers aim for more than just engagement or traffic. With smart features in SM, they can now track the customers’ path to analyze their needs and how they can be fulfilled.

Is your digital marketing strategy ready for 2018 yet?

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