Is Visual Content the Right Choice for Your Business Marketing Campaign?

 People love sharing images and videos and tracking all news through visuals . Since they are much quicker to send information than any other medium. Which of course suits perfectly the spirit of the generation.

The human mind is more than 60% visual-based . Which means that humans tend to rely more on visual simulations more than written or verbal ones. So the better the visuals are, the stronger the communication and its lasting impact are. Visuals deliver loads of information in a short amount of time, and in an entertaining manner . Which guarantees that your customers will keep watching and get the whole message behind it.

Considered by many marketers the most effective trend in marketing in the last decade, Visual Content or sharing interactive videos and infographics has shown astonishing results in digital marketing and advertising. Along with creating customized visual content, social media websites such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat have also played a great part in companies’ marketing strategies. Which made marketers and business owners maximize its use to their benefits.

Many marketers who struggle with their marketing and find it hard to attract and convert customers have resorted to using Visual content marketing. Whether or not you are applying visual content in your business’ strategy, the following reasons will make you start a strong visual marketing campaign today:

1- A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words:

Pictures, images, videos, memes or info-graphics can easily grab the attention of your targeted audience, one condition though, it has to be creative. Always remember that all digital platforms share millions and millions of visual content every day . And if you want to maximize your chances, you have to stand out in the crowd with highly-interactive and innovative content.

2- 90% of Information Is Visual:

Scientists argue that more than 93% of all the human communication is visual and not spoken or written as many would have thought. Also, the human mind gets 90% of the information which are visual. And you as a marketer or business owner should consider this fact in planning your marketing strategy.

3- Visual Content Generates Leads:

Your posts on social media or website can get more views if they include visual elements, 94% more views to be precise, and that’s of course a huge percentage! Add images, photos, videos, or infographics to your regular posts and then you will know exactly how it can be tremendously effective.  

4- Go Viral!

We introduce this term lately in Social Media Channels. Which mainly refer to a content that receives enormous amount of Likes, Views, and Shares making it appear in everyone’s Newsfeed. This can increase the traffic and generate leads to your page or website . And consequently, boost your marketing, branding, targeting, and sales. Just make sure to add your logo or website link on the content itself. So people can get back to you and know who originally created this viral content.

5- Get People To Take Action:

Compelling visual content plays on the emotional side of all consumers. Which results in influencing them to take specific actions; such as clicking the Like button, buying your product or service, or at the very least, interact with your content. This will raise your engagement rate to the roof!

To wrap it up, visual content is going beyond the entertainment level. It becomes a highly effective tool in digital marketing. As it endorsed by many marketers around the world, and it’s your turn to make usage of it as well.

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