Uses of on-page SEO and off-page SEO:

There are many factors on which SEO depends on, they are on-the-page SEO,off-the-page SEO and violations. On-the-page ranking factors are the factors that are within the publisher’s direct control like contents of the page. HTML clues that help the search engine to determine relevancy etc. But with time, search engines understand that only on-page ranking factors are not enough because of which Off –the-page ranking factors were introduced . And they are the factors that are not controlled directly by the publisher but are very important to yield the best results. Also there are some sites that use tactics to deceive a search engine’s understanding of a site’s true relevancy. Search engines deemed these methods as ‘spam’ or ‘black hat’ and may result in ranking penalty or banning of the site.

The most important  On-the-page ranking factor for SEO success is the content that you showcase on your  site :-

If the content is right it sets the correct foundation for all other SEO efforts. The content in the site should be something beyond the normal information that people find on every other site. Not only should the content be effective , there should also be good keyword research. The site should research for the keywords that are actually used by people. as their search terms . so that the search engine ranks the site highly when such a keyword is used. After the keyword research the site should try to include these keywords for better results.  Apart from these factors fresh content is something that boosts your site’s rankings rapidly. Google coined a term ‘Query Deserved Freshness’ (QDF) which arises in the situation when there’s a search . Which suddenly becomes very popular  contrary to its normal activity and thus the search results gives site a boost in.

The second most important factor in On-the-page ranking factor for SEO success is site architecture.

When someone searches, the search engine flips or ‘crawls’ through the sites or pages . After that there is a massive book of web ‘index’ stores a copies of the website . So for a search engine to favor a site it must first crawl the site. Mostly the sites don’t have crawling issues but sometimes  Java script  or Flash can potentially hide links but it can be easily sorted. In the era in which mobile searches are more prominent than desktop searches it is obvious that search engines will be more rewarding to sites that are mobile friendly. Apart from that if a site uses its app for indexing and linking it gets a better rank. Nowadays people want every thing as fast as possible so it is obvious that speedy sites get better rank than the slower ones.

What is HTML?

HTML  is the underlying code used to create webpages. The most important HTML signals that search engines use is the HTML title because that help your website to appear . The other elements are meta description tags which allows one to suggest how they’d like their pages’ describtion in search listings.

A major off-the-page ranking factor is links. more weight age means that the quality of the links are very good . Getting a lot of links can add up to your SEO success rate. Tactics such as viral link baiting campaigns, badges and widgets can be effective at securing large number of links.

Although SEO is a very prominent way to market your site it is not an appropriate strategy for every website and more internet marketing strategies like paid advertising can be more effective. But SEO may generate an adequate return on investment. But we don’t pay to search engines for this natural search traffic . So their algorithms can change which can cause heavy loss of traffic . So a site that relies on search engine traffic may suffer major losses in this condition.  SEO is great method for return on investment but long term involvement with. It can cause huge loss in the future so apart from SEO . We should use some other techniques to boost the marketing of the site.

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